The Cabinet of Ministers is probably going to approve the concept of e-government in the country at a future meeting in December. Volodymyr Semynozhenko, Chairman of the State Committee on Science, Innovation and Information has said about it on the board of Committee on Monday, Nov. 8.
At the board meeting there were approved the results of the pilot project of e-government technologies in Ukraine introducing and also were presented the plan for its development since November 2011 to November 2012 and an expanded bench of technical solutions derived from the pilot project.
All that documents along with the draft law «On information system «Electronic government » are to be submitted for approval to the Cabinet. «The State Committee on Science, innovation and information is ready for completion of project «Electronic Government», – V. Seminozhenko said. However, the funds for its implementation should be included in the Tax Code and incorporated into the state budget for 2011.
According to Andriy Semenchenko, first deputy chairman of the State Committee on Informatization of Ukraine, the project started in March this year at the National Support Centre e-government. It involves: State Committee on Science and Information, Ministry of Social Politics, Ministry of Building and Regional Development, the Main Department of Civil Service of Ukraine, State Administration of Communication, State Committee on Archives, Pension Fund, State Tax Administration, Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration and Rada, Odessa RSA and Rada, Rivne RSA, with the participation of International Renaissance Foundation, an international fund Eastern Europe and OSCE co-ordinator. The program already can produce about 1500 kinds of documents.
E-government would implement the «single window» principle to the interaction of government and citizens. The principle of «single window» provides a unified infrastructure, access to Internet portals, government, development of e-government portal, the formation of a single register of executive authorities, local governments and state services.
Committee board participants have been deeply interested by the exhibition hall of the International Information Telecommunication Technology Forum.
In addition, there also have been reached a preliminary agreement with the Committee on including the theme of the project «Electronic Government» to the business program of the Forum.
May we remind that Information Telecommunication Technology Forum includes well-known exhibition brands: Information Communication Technology, IT-Expo and Corporate Banking Systems Exhibition (CBSE). It will be held on February 23-26, 2011. Forum brings together the largest market participants of information technology, equipment suppliers and software developers.