I.T. Co. has completed the project on implementation of the automated personnel management system BOSS-Kadrovik in the City District Administration of Voronezh. Implementation of this solution allowed reducing labor efforts on personnel document management and provided the administration with wide opportunities of personnel management.
To increase the efficiency of personnel management and standardization of personnel operations in the organization departments of the City District Administration of Voronezh, it was decided to create a single information system of personnel recording and management. The automated system would allow optimizing the work of specialists of personnel departments, release them from performing routine operations when working with the personnel, when keeping records of all organizational and administrative documentation, as well as when preparing regulated records to the Pension Fund of Russia and the Federal State Statistics Service.
According to the results of the open tender, I.T. Co. gained the right to implement the project. The proposed solution BOSS-Kadrovik on the Microsoft SQL Server platform was chosen as the best one according to the “functionalities – technological efficiency – cost” ratio. The system has high performance, operation speed, can be connected to remote users and fully complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Moreover, I.T. Co. has established a good reputation having completed a series of comprehensive projects in the framework of implementation of the Voronezh Region information support program, including creation of the systems for providing state services to the region population in electronic mode.
It took five months to complete the project on implementation of the new HRM system. First, the I.T. Co. specialists examined the existing personnel management system, developed the design specification and set the requirements to BOSS-Kadrovik customization based on the specifics of the personnel work in the city administration. Then, they deployed the system at work places and made a trial run, during which they consulted users and administrators and customized additional functions in the program. Besides, I.T. Co. converted the accumulated information on the administration personnel from multiple formats and databases to a single database of BOSS-Kadrovik.
The implemented system includes three modules: “Staff Schedule”, “Personnel Records”, and “Records for the Pension Fund of Russia”. The main processes of the personnel document management have been automated: storage and processing of the personnel information on recruitment, transfer of employees, keeping individual records, execution of documents on business trips and holidays; keeping and planning of the staff schedule; keeping records on candidates and their personal data (qualifying evaluations, qualification examinations, and staff retraining). Automatic preparation of report forms has been adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the Pension Fund of Russia and the Federal State Statistics Service.
At the moment, the automated system successfully operates on 8 work places of managers and employees of the personnel departments of the Voronezh City Administration. The created single HRM system allows the administration management to obtain up-to-date information on any questions related to the organization structure, staff schedule and vacancies which ensures efficient formation and planning of the personnel reserve of the local authority.