VT-Soft organized a Workshop at the New York Palace Hotel

VT-Soft organized a conference on the 17th of February in order to present our new HRM software VT-Constellation and provide an opportunity to exchange professional ideas.

VT-Soft had always put great emphasis on the professional support of our clients, and this is the reason why we have held workshops often with the participation of experts, and the event of New York Palace has also followed this tradition. At the event mainly HR experts took part, not only coming from our clients, but also representing other HR consultancy firms and the press as well.

The workshop was about issues concerning HR systems and introduced our newly developed product, the VT-Constellation. The event was built on the basic idea of circulating around the topic on HRM systems. This means that the workshop dealt with issues on information platforms, the human side of technology, and sharing experiences among participants, which was also important.

At the end of the day the visitors could leave the event enriched by considerable knowledge which could be used efficiently during their everyday work.

On the event, the opening speech of our CEO, Juliusz Zukowski was followed by the presentation of Levente Komor, the director of social sciences in Szent Istvan University, which helped the visitors get a glimpse of the new tendencies of Human Resources.

After then Oracle – the sponsor company of the event – introduced the database which our development is based on.

The highlight of the day was the introduction of VT-Constellation which was given much attendance by the audience.

The main characteristics of the software were discussed by Katalin Safar, the sales manager of our company. From her presentation (among others) the visitors got to know that VT-Constellation is built on the newest .NET technology, has a user friendly surface which is similar to MS Windows and easily meets the requirements of the customers.

More over VT-Constellation is perfectly compatible with other systems such as; management, finance(s), workflow and so on.

In the second part of the event Akos Csepregi, the HR consultant of our company gave a detailed presentation on how to use the software, and about its modules. He also emphasized that VT-Constellation is an efficient decision supporting tool, which is able to create unique lists, diagram’s and reports as well.

In the software beyond the general HR activities other important HR tasks are present for instance recruitment, trainings, performance evaluation and other supporting functions.

During the event the audience was also informed about the easy configuration of the software, and it’s simple grouped operations as well. Our HR consultant presented the data transfer; the expressive graphics, supporting and fastening the use of the program; the previously defined dictionaries and models designed for the reduction of the number of errors while using VT-Constellation.

Thereafter Mrs. Henriette K. Szabo, the HR manager of the Colling Organizer and Controller Ltd shared her experiences related to the introduction of VT-Constellation with the audience. Colling Ltd had been using our Opus program for 4 years and last year decided in favor of the introduction of Constellation, in order to exploit the benefits of the integrated system and the solutions of the new generation offered by the software.

Source: VT-Soft

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