IT outsourcing: Websites must be designed to attract customers

Businesses that sell products over the internet must ensure that they keep their websites up to date, which could require IT outsourcing in London.

Don Davis, editor of Internet Retailer, claims that consumers are going to want to use the internet in ways that are convenient.

He says that companies must make efforts to attract customers as they will not use these websites unless they are designed with them in mind, which IT outsourcing in London can accomplish.

“They’re fighting a losing battle if they think internet users are going to bow to their wishes,” he explains.

Among the key steps that businesses need to take if they are going to be successful include making their websites accessible, fun and convenient.

Recent research published by intelligence comScore revealed that US online retail spending has reached $30.2 billion (Ј18.2 billion) in 2009′s second quarter, which could highlight the benefits that a well-designed website such as those created by IT outsourcing in London services can achieve.

Source: ihotdesk

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