One of the most popular resources that contain all the specific information about m2m technologies and connected companies that work on development and implementation of m2m solutions is a portal m2m.telekom.com. The founder and developer of the platform is a German telecommunication company Deutsche Telekom that is well-known for its m2m solutions. It’s important to admit that last year a beneficial partnership and cooperation agreement was signed between Gurtam and Deutsche Telekom.
The web site is a platform that provides over 200 partner companies of Deutsche Telekom with the possibility for active interaction and beneficial cooperation. Besides the full information about the company, its achievements and solutions, the resource also provides businesses that work with m2m technologies all the latest news of m2m sphere and offers most full and updated information on how m2m technologies can be beneficial for different industries, such as health, consumer electronics, retail and commerce, security, transport and logistics. M2M technologies can offer great solutions for companies operating all over the world to stay connected which allows them to become more competitive.
It is necessary to admit that to ease the search process of proper solution special software products Wialon Pro and Wialon Hosting were approved and offered for sale on the Marketplace section of the site. Besides, this September Gurtam will present Wialon achievements and possibilities at Deutsche Telekom partners meeting in Budapest.
Taking part in m2m.telekom.com project is another step taken by Gurtam to extend and strengthen the interaction with European and USA market.