With help of Primavera system, Apa Vital Iasi will manage a project of EUR 136 million

Apa Vital, the operator of water and sewage supply network in the county of Iasi, with a total length of approx. 2000 km, has completed the implementation of Primavera project management platform, whose sole representative in Romania is TotalSoft. Belonging to the public domain of the County Council and to local county authorities, Apa Vital supplies drinking water to approx. 1600 owner associates and approx. 2400 economic agents in the county of Iasi.

The decision of purchasing Primavera system has been taken at the end of the last year, as a result of the stringent need of using a complete software solution for the management of both internal and external investment programs. Apa Vital has chosen Primavera system in order to solve the problems resulted from using more information systems for different segments of a project.

Primavera enables the company to track all the data required for the progress analysis of a project (taking into account resources, physical and economical issues) and manage them in a unitary manner, from a single location. 

“Even if the initial work of entering data was harder, the long term benefits speak clearly in favor of using Primavera. We can immediately find out the total cost of notices and authorizations obtained for a particular project, as well as the time spent for that activity. Furthermore, all notices, authorizations and approvals for a project can be kept in an electronic library, so that any claim can be promptly answered” states Mr. Mihai Dorus, Tehnical Director, Apa Vital Iasi.

Along with completing this project, the company from Iasi also hopes to improve the communication with contractors, to identify much easily the points and critical business functions of the projects and take management decisions only by querying the application, while the data will be available and weekly updated on the server.

The system will be used for the execution of all internal investments that have reached only this year EUR 2,7 million, and also for projects such as POS Mediu (The sectorial operational programme) with a value of EUR 136 million and an execution period stipulated for 2010-2015.

For a unitary management of the entire activity, TotalSoft also integrated Primavera with Expertdev, a software system for the calculation of technical and economical documentations, and later on the system will be integrated with the ERP application used by the company from Iasi in order to achieve the correlation with budgets, costs or supplier payments.

Source: TotalSoft

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