Wroclaw Water Supply Company to choose the GIS of the Sygnity Group

WINUEL SA (the Sygnity Group) has started implementation of an expanded GIS system for the management of vast client infrastructure in Wroclaw MPWiK

The value of the contract exceeds PLN 5 million net, and the execution of the project will last till the end of the year 2011.

MPWiK in Wroclaw is one of the biggest water supply companies in Poland. The project is today the only such a huge undertaking in Poland, which assumes execution within one implementation of both a GIS system and the plumbing calculations for a water supply and sewerage network. This solution is intended for registration of the water supply and sewerage systems, registration of water supply calculations and simulations, as well as registration of events (installation failures) and of the water-bearing lands. The Internet services collecting data, inter alia, about MPWiK resources, water and sewage quality as well as about installation failure and switch-off occurrences, will also be developed within the system.

The system will enable convenient and coherent stocktaking of the network assets belonging to the Wroclaw water supply company. The system will store complete information, form the visualization of the network route, through videoinspection data, to mapping land-survey plans. This knowledge will enable plumbing calculations providing a client with important information on the state of water, wastage and pressures.

Within the project, WINUEL SA implements its own GIS software, the necessary infrastructure, as well as the solutions intended for making plumbing calculations, which were developed by DHI – a consortium member in the tender. This solution will be integrated with strategic systems operated by the client: Scada (telemetric data); ERP; a billing system and CRM. Ortophotomaps, processed aerial photographs of the city of Wroclaw, will also be provided. These will be geometrically corrected so that the scale is uniform and will be fitted in the points of geodetic control network.

Source: Sygnity

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