First to embark on such a challenging experiment was the Department of Physics and Mathematics, a traditional pioneer when it comes to implement the latest and the most promising trends in educational process.
For the first two pilot groups there were selected students of the second and third grades already studying Software Support of IT. The criteria for the selection were the desire of the students and their academic performance.
Among the subjects that will be trained in the English language are the following: Advanced Mathematics, Theory of Information, Programming Languages. The lectures on the special course Methods of Computer Information Protection are run remotely on the basis of India-Belarus Digital Learning Centre in ICT while the practical studies are held in the form of webinars.
In order to help the students to grasp the complicated mathematical and programming truths they are offered to study the subjects simultaneously in the Russian language at the beginning of the course.
Furthermore third graders of the English group undergo practical training on the basis of EPAM Systems with the company’s specialists running the classes.
The professors of the University fueled their appetite for teaching in English after taking part in training courses in India. Today their qualifications are proved by international certificates.
The administration of the university also acknowledges all the significance and the benefit of this initiative. 14 professors of the department are mastering their oral and technical English at the courses in the Institute of Continuing Training. The participation in the courses is covered by the university.
Last year for the first time the Department of Physics and Mathematics ran the Regional Olympiad in cryptography and information protection among pupils and students with the active support of HTP. This year this intellectual tournament acquired the status of the National competition.
Research and development centre SW Group was established in the university a year ago. The managers and the developers of IT-projects in the centre are all students. The students of the Department of Physics and Mathematics are delighted to perfect their e-Magazine which has already become a strong alternative to the department newspaper. The student volunteers hold charity actions annually during which they teach the orphanage children the basics PC skills. The classes take place at the educational centre of the department – the School of the Exact Science.