Home » 2016 (Page 33)
IT Education Becomes More Accessible With Sigma Software University

We are proud to announce the launching of a new platform that unites all Sigma Software education initiatives. Sigma Software University is a place for learning, sharing knowledge and experience. Our goal is to promote the development of IT community and strengthen IT education at every stage: from the support of educational programs for children [...]

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What Is the Goal of Automated Testing?

It is well-known that every mobile testing, desktop testing and web application testing has a goal to find all severe errors of the product under test. The specialist’s scope of work is usually evaluated according to the number of discovered bugs within an hour or the whole working day. The specialists from software testing company [...]

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Technical Webinar: An Introduction to Bitcoin, Blockchains and Cryptography for IT Professionals

Join NetCom Learning trainer, Braun Brelin, along with Managed Learning Services leader NetCom Learning for a complimentary interactive webinar on An Introduction to Bitcoin, Blockchains and Cryptography for IT Professionals. Register

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Minsk Java Day 2016

Java Day is annual Java Technology Conference in Minsk, Belarus. 2016 will see the 5th anniversary JavaDay. The focus of the conference is on popular directions and trends in the world of Java development: Java EE, microservices, a fresh look on OOP in Java, Gradle, Spring JTA, JVM tuning, RxJava on Android, Kotlin in examples, [...]

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PN 2016 // ACSD 2016

37th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLICATIONS AND THEORY OF PETRI NETS AND CONCURRENCY 16th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLICATION OF CONCURRENCY TO SYSTEM DESIGN About the event The 37th annual international Petri Nets conference will be organized by the Department of Formal Languages and Concurrency (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science) of Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland. [...]

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Human error causes more data loss than malicious attacks

Stupid humans, you are the weakest link, at least according to the ICO. Human error is the main cause of data breaches, according to statistics obtained from the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office. Figures obtained by Egress Software Technologies via a Freedom of Information (FOI) request found that human error accounted for almost two-thirds (62%) of [...]

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Neoteric attended infoShare 2016

How we signed over 500 users, closed $250k seed round and acquired big brands as new customers during infoShare 2016 – lessons learned. InfoShare 2016 has given Neoteric a lot of opportunities but it was also a big challenge for us. For the first time, Neoteric and AmberHub have sponsored the event, which is the [...]

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Research: Reasons behind the growing use of SDN in the enterprise

For those ready for the next step in network traffic control, SDN is the answer. Find out who is using it, and why, in this research report. The next step in network traffic control is Software Defined Networking (SDN), as it gives greater agility and control over managing environments. SDN uses software and policies to [...]

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QATestLab – Leading Independent Software Testing Company – Has Become a General Sponsor of the Research ”CEE QA Outsourcing Review 2015-16”

“Central and Eastern European QA Outsourcing Review 2015-16” is the project of the Central and Eastern European Outsourcing Association (СЕЕОА). This research uncovers the latest trends in Software Quality Assurance and Testing, examines the current state of application quality and testing practices across the countries in CEE region. The research provides potential clients with up-to-date [...]

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Czech Republic ranks among LTE coverage leaders in EU

The Czech Republic still ranks among the EU leaders in terms of LTE coverage, reports Mobilenet.cz. In 2014, mobile operators in the Czech Republic significantly increased their 4G network coverage and in 2015, they continued their investments, the result of which is that the country remains above the EU average. Currently, LTE is available to [...]

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