How we signed over 500 users, closed $250k seed round and acquired big brands as new customers during infoShare 2016 – lessons learned.
InfoShare 2016 has given Neoteric a lot of opportunities but it was also a big challenge for us.
For the first time, Neoteric and AmberHub have sponsored the event, which is the biggest and most important start-up fest in CEE.
We exhibited four start-ups: SkillHunt, SaaS Manager, SchematicLab, and Appoint.ly. All of them achieved a lot during this three day of.
It’s time for a little summary, overview of our accomplishments and some conclusions for the future.
SaaSManager: How we got to the finals and closed seed round during the conference?
For the first time in the history of infoShare, a polish start-up has closed a deal with an investor during the conference. SaaS Manager – the platform that helps you build SaaS solutions faster, cheaper and better – has raised a seed round from FerberVC.
“With that money we will improve the onboarding experience for our customers, add important features and prepare for launching open beta”
– said Greg Gwoźdź, CEO of this new venture.
SaaS Manager got to the finals by winning the audience poll for the best start-up of the event, gaining more votes than all the competitors together. Here is how we managed to do that:
We started to prepare months before the event.
There is a long way between the first impression and the notary. Negotiating term-sheet, due diligence, getting papers through the process take weeks of work and waiting for decisions. When we got a text “we can see notary tomorrow” right after we pitched during the finals, we had everything on paper.
We pitched the right people and asked for the right thing.
Getting an interest from the biggest names at the event is hard. We knew that we needed more exposure to establish important relationships. For that, we aimed for the finals. There were 5 tickets given by the jury and 2 by the public.
In case the judges didn’t choose SaaS Manager, we have started raising the votes from the public. We have pitched SaaS Manager to every start-up, investor and attendee we had access to, convincing that it’s worth to invest their virtual funds into our start-up. As the result, we got to the finals raising more virtual capital than all the other contestants together.
We focused on engaging the right audience, not on winning the contest.
SaaS Manager is a niche, technical solution that is not sexy. It’s very rare for such projects to win start-up contests that are not focused on their field. We knew that getting attention from the right audience was more important to us than winning the contest.
Greg has done a really good job engaging judges during his pitch and we gained interest from Amazon, OVH, Intel, Startupbootcamp and many other high profile targets.
We leveraged our success.
After confirmation from FerberVC and setting up the notary, we have approached organizers and shared the good news. This way information about the investment become part of the official press release after infoShare 2016. That opened our doors in media that will help us spread the words about SaaS Manager.
What we can improve next time:
How and why we engaged attendants?
I was surprised how many start-ups with great ideas just sat on their chairs and waited for people to come. When we go to the conference there’s much more to do than we have time for. Keeping that in mind, we knew that we needed to attract people.
It’s hard to stand out as a start-up when there are big brands like Amazon, Intel or ASUS. They are able to spend big bucks on their stands, preparing escape rooms, contests with valuable prizes and so on – and you can’t compete with that (yet).
Still with some creativity and empathy, instead of being flashy, you can engage the right attendants by offering them what they really need. Here’s what we did to get the exposure we wanted:
What we can improve next time:
How we hacked that work with networking?
It’s highly unlikely to close deals during events. There are only some exceptions like SaaS Manager and you will not see many of them. How to make sure you get the most from the event? Prepare for the networking!
Some people have it in their blood, others freeze with the idea of reaching out to the strangers. Here is what we’ve done to expand our network with some important contacts:
What we can improve next time:
InfoShare 2016 has been a good lesson for us. We managed to achieve a lot more than anticipated and still found a lot of things to improve. I hope this helps you benefit more from the next event you attend to. I know it will help us.