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Accesa Welcomes the IT Caravan

Accesa was honored to host a delegation under the guidance of Varujan Pambuccian, one of the deputies activating in the Committee on Information and Communication Technology in the Romanian Chamber of Deputies. The event took place on 21st November and was part of the IT Caravan: The Future of IT in Romania (Caravana informaticii) organized [...]

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US Tech Giant CSC Mulls Expansion of Its Lithuanian Unit

US technology services giant Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), which employs almost 500 people in Lithuania, is looking at whether CSC Baltic’s services center in Vilnius could maintain Nordic e-health systems, reports LETA/BNS according to the business daily Verslo Zinios information. Philippe Blanco, general manager for healthcare in the Nordic countries and southern and western Europe [...]

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The Tech Trends for 2017 – What to Expect?

Technology is winning its everyday challenges at a pace faster than ever before. As compared to the previous year, tech trends have become embedded to practically every sphere of digital business. There is constant growth of software spending on technologies because technology is now rooted in every sphere of digital business. For entrepreneurs and self-starters [...]

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Minsk MobiCode 2016

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Minsk MobiCode 2016

MobiCode is an international technical mobile development conference in Belarus! Target Audience – mobile developers (iOS, Android, cross-platform development) of Senior and Middle levels. Speakers – experts from Europe, USA and CIS. Real firsthand experience. For whom: for serious developers who are interested in modern technology of mobile development. For project managers and executives of [...]

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Blockchain Conference Kyiv 2016

December 17th, 2016 in Kyiv will host the 4th International conference — Blockchain Conference Kiyv 2016 — an environment meeting experts in cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology. The event consists of two streams: for beginners and for experts, and the technical workshop — a master class of Blockchain-programming. Speakers will talk about the principles of work [...]

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What Is True? What Is Real? And Does It Matter In a Data-Driven World?

We are obsessed with data-driven business. Is that really, truly desirable? Is “data” truly, really objective, or is it just perception? In rational decision making, how’s “logic” doing, anyway? How should you deal with reality’s habit of biting back? Discussion Topics: The short-comings of being a data-driven business. How to get a better handle on [...]

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More People Than Ever Will Shop Online Over the Holidays, Spending to Rise by 18%

The fourth quarter is always the busiest for e-commerce businesses, with the biggest sales and more consumers than the year prior turning to the web and mobile devices to complete their holiday shopping. This year proves no different, according to the latest holiday sales forecast, which estimates that nearly half (47%) of consumers will shop [...]

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How Can a Software Tester Foster Communication Skills?

Communication is an integral part of software development process. Clients, designers, developers, testers, marketing managers and other part of the team constantly have to be in touch. Close cooperation always plays one of the main roles in providing product quality, therefore, software development company coordinates its efforts with all project members. Different meetings and calls [...]

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Ubisoft Opens Fourth Eastern European Studio in Belgrade, Serbia

Ubisoft has announced the opening of a new production studio in Belgrade, Serbia. The new studio already has 15 team members, most of which are programmers, but the company has plans to employ 40 total people in various roles within the coming year. Game developers or game design students in the area should take note; [...]

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Sigma Software Delivers for Ad Tech

Advertising is a unique business that strikingly differs from other businesses. Currently, over $600 Billion dollars are spent annually on advertising worldwide. However, as a pioneering Philadelphia department store merchant, John Wanamaker famously said: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Much of the rise [...]

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