Advertising is a unique business that strikingly differs from other businesses. Currently, over $600 Billion dollars are spent annually on advertising worldwide.
However, as a pioneering Philadelphia department store merchant, John Wanamaker famously said:
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”
Much of the rise of Digital Advertising, and the impetus behind the massive investment in ad tech tools has been aimed at trying to answer Wannamaker’s dilemma: Which advertising is effective and why?
Ad tech vendors encapsulate a broad range of software development capabilities in their offerings, including front-end UI, back-end databases, Big Data, and much more. Sigma Software has partnered for years with some of the leading companies in ad tech. Consequently, we have gained invaluable knowledge and insights into product creation of any complexity and at every stage.
Sigma Software has created solutions that range from deceptively simple tools that execute quick advertising campaigns up to the most complex ad platforms designed using advanced technologies.
One of our strong suits is that we understand the software technologies are constantly changing and evolving. What was cutting-edge technology only a couple years ago is supplanted and replaced by the next generation of tools. Sigma Software works diligently to adapt to these changes in technologies and the ad tech market.
Anatoly Kochetov, Head of Microsoft solutions department, says:
“One of the advertising solutions we are currently working on is a product owned by a Swedish company. It enables small and medium advertisers to run mobile advertising campaigns in just a few clicks without spending hours and hours of marketers and designers work.”
Alexey Stoletny, Managing Director at Sigma Software Inc., adds:
“A very similar solution was previously developed for a very successful US startup, Zapp 360. The system helps to create promotional messages, set a font and background, add pictures and logos to the text, and target these posts by multiple criteria. Using these capabilities, advertisers can quickly find and target consumers with minimal investments. Sigma Software has a unique background, which no other Ukrainian IT company possesses. We can handle any assignment in ad tech. We use cutting-edge technologies and build effective processes, growing the products from a concept to release.”
Jerome FitzGibbons, co-founder of Zapp360 adds:
“We engaged Sigma Software to work on the project in early 2013. We started from the initial concept, and then worked together on building framework, designing wireframes, testing the product. Less than 12 months later, at the end of the same year, the application went to the market. Today this is a multimillion dollars business. Sigma Software has been a key element of this success helping us to achieve such rapid growth. We consider them as a strong partner for us.”
“Cooperation with AOL, one of the world`s leading media conglomerates, the owner of a powerful ad platform, is another example of developing sophisticated and large-scale solutions for customers in the advertising sector,”
says Valery Krasovsky, CEO of Sigma Software.
“For us it doesn`t matter if you are a startup or a global company, we know exactly what you need. We are keen to apply our wide experience to meet your particular needs, and we deliver a customized approach to every Customer.”
About Sigma
Sigma is a long-term business partner wherever information technology makes a difference. We are a global player with a Nordic base. We deliver the smartest solutions to support our customers’ business aims.
Sigma is owned by Danir AB and has about 3000 employees in eleven countries. Sigma operates in Ukraine since 2006 and the local team currently consists of over 700 IT professionals.