CzechInvest is a networking sponsor of the event that takes place from 12th to 15th May 2014 in Dublin, Ireland.
The event will focus on improving performance throughout the whole value chain, features four interactive site visits, four workshops and sessions on business partnerships.
2014 Big Idea Speakers Ken Segall, former Creative Director, Apple, and David McCandless, Author of ‘Information is Beautiful’ will join the speaker faculty where also the senior representatives from BT, GlaxoSmithKline, Microsoft, Shell and Vodafone will be present.
CzechInvest represents the Czech Republic – one of Europe’s top locations for Shared Service Centres, chosen by many companies predominantly due to its central European location, excellent infrastructure and its creative multilingual and experienced workforce available at lower costs. Are you interested in meeting?
More information on event see at www.ssoweek.com.