Wrapping Up The Annual IT Report 2014: Budget, Staffing, Mobile

Wrapping Up The Annual IT Report 2014: Budget, Staffing, Mobile

Free IT Community claiming outreach to over 5 million IT pros globally, Spiceworks has just released their Annual IT Report 2014 based on the survey of 1,121 IT professionals in North America and EMEA.

Some of the data presented in it are rather interesting and trailblazing, as they reflect certain IT trends and future technology adoption and staffing paths within both IT and non-IT corporate world. As such, let’s see how North America and EMEA compare in terms of IT budgets, staffing, and mobile adoption.

1. In 2014, North America traditionally outruns EMEA by the average IT budgets (Fig. 1), but EMEA catches up as far as budget increase planning for 2015 is concerned (Fig. 2).

it budgets north america 2014, it budgets emea 2014, it budgets usa 2014

2015 it budgets, 2015 it budgets planning, usa it budgets 2015, emea it budgets 2015

2. On average, companies in EMEA have more IT professionals on staff, compared to North America (Fig. 3).

us it staffing, emea it staffing

it professionals by company size


3. Although more North American than EMEA companies are planning to expand their IT staff over the next year, the prevailing majority of businesses in these geographies will most likely keep their tech staff in its current size (Fig. 5).

it staff changes 2015

2015 it staff changes

4. EMEA companies are still lagging badly behind the North American ones in terms of smartphone and tablet adoption (Fig. 7 & 8).

smartphone adoption usa, smartphone adoption europe

tablet adoption usa vs emea, tablet adoption usa, tablet adoption emea

The above findings suggest that 2015 will not see a huge leap towards broad technology innovation adoption within business communities of North America and EMEA. In general, most of companies in both regions don’t have any solid plans to grow their IT personnel or go mobile over 2015, with EMEA companies demonstrating a better readiness to mobilize their processes and operations in the next six months.

Source: Intersog
CATEGORY: Global News

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