Seeking to provide its customers with best-quality services, the BS/2 company is constantly implementing the latest international standards. For several years now, BS/2 has been successfully applying the ISO 20000 quality standard, which sets requirements for a high-quality and effective management of provided IT services. Currently, BS/2 is working on an ISO 27001 standard implementation project, expecting to get certified this autumn.
ISO 27001 is an information security management system. Such a system is a must for a company seeking to ensure information integrity, confidentiality, and availability. For the company, not only does this help maintain internal information security, but also guarantees a good market reputation.
Kiril Degtiarenko, BS/2′s head of project management, comments: “This certificate means a lot for all the company’s departments. ISO 27001 governs information security inside an organization, and it would prove that we are a reliable company. For our partners, this is extremely important. In addition, we have been increasingly faced with situations where ISO 27001 is a mandatory requirement when taking part in a tender.”
The ISO 27001 requirements cover 11 different areas: risk management; communications and operations management; incident management; asset management; secure policy principles, standards, and procedures; physical/environmental security; and others. The requirements are applied and fulfilled for all the services provided by BS/2: banking hardware supply and maintenance, software development and maintenance, and business process outsourcing.