The representatives of banks and IT companies came together on November,16-17 2011 at the Palace of the Republic (Minsk) to speak and discuss the efficiency of IT at financial institutions, to share experiences with colleagues, and discuss cooperation prospects. The forum began with the plenary session, during which respected banking and IT professional gave their [...]
Continue readingOn November 17, the international conference E-Workflow: Imperative Demand of Our Time was held in Astana, Kazakhstan. The event gathered representatives of national and local governing bodies of Kazakhstan, and experts in e-workflow from Kazakhstan and other countries. The organizers were the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan and National Information [...]
Continue readingSoftServe Inc., a leading global provider of proven high quality software development and consulting, is delighted to announce that Taras Kytsmey, the President of the company, was elected as President of “IT Ukraine” Association. Founded by SoftServe and other leading Ukrainian software development companies in April, 2004, the IT Ukraine Association was created to promote [...]
Continue readingIn the times of low-cost, high-quality businessmanagement, outsourcing comes as an option to more and more time- and money-savvy Lithuanian entrepreneurs as they overcome initial fears over something that, until recently, was, for most, a matter of large foreign-capital companies. Before embarking on a business partnership with one – described as outsourcing – its advantages [...]
Continue readingCROC’s information security management system has been certified to comply with the Russian GOST R ISO/MEK 27001-2006 standard. CROC is the first IT company in Russia to be certified as meeting both Russian and international standards. Information security management is of paramount importance for companies which outsource their IT processes, with confidentiality protection being a [...]
Continue readingTatukGIS announces support for the IBM DB2 Spatial Extender and IBM Informix Spatial DataBlade formats in its Developer Kernel (SDK) Enterprise edition, desktop GIS Editor, and free GIS Viewer products. Like with other 3rd party spatial database formats, the support is direct (without use of any middleware) and includes: Reading/writing/editing vector map layer geometry and [...]
Continue readingOn November 17, IBA received an award of the Institute of Certified Financial Managers (ICFM) in the category The Best Employer of the Year. The awarding ceremony was organized within an annual ICFM conference that was held from November 17 to November 18, 2011 in London. The conference aimed to honor the best financial managers [...]
Continue readingToday UPnP Forum, a leading global home networking standards group launched its new official certification test tool UCTT 2.0 developed by Comarch. This will surely strengthen the confidence in UPnP technology and extend the scope and relevance of the Forum’s certification program. Comarch as a Member of UPnP Forum has been sharing its expert knowledge [...]
Continue readingAfter three quarters of 2011 revenue exceeded total sum of revenues for the whole 2010. 90% revenue growth dynamics, quarter to quarter (IIIQ2011/IIIQ2010) 86% revenue growth dynamics, YTD (I-IIIQ2011/I-IIIQ2010) 53% net profit growth, quarter to quarter (IIIQ2011/IIIQ2010) In the July-September period SMT Software net revenues from sales amounted to PLN 8,27 mil., which translates into [...]
Continue readingHTP resident, Applied Systems Ltd., expert in the field of automated testing, presented a system for automating all routine testing activities at The Third International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (VALID 2011), held on the 23rd – 29th of October, 2011 in Barcelona, Spain. Valery Safronau and Vitalina Turlo, Applied Systems [...]
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