KOMIX s.r.o. has again confirmed its high standard in the areas of software development, sales and provision of IT services. At the end of 2012 KOMIX successfully underwent inspection audits of its quality management system pursuant to the ČSN EN ISO 9001 international standard, project quality management pursuant to ČSN ISO 10006 and IT services management pursuant to ČSN ISO/IEC 20000-1. The audits were conducted within the planned time period by the accredited certification firm CQS.
The quality management system, pursuant to the ČSN EN ISO 9001 international standard, has been in place, maintained and continually improved at KOMIX for the past ten years.
“It could seem that after ten years an inspection audit is merely routine, but the opposite is true,” said Jiří Feřtek, quality manager at KOMIX, commenting on the result of the recertification audits. “It is necessary to continually improve. The requirements of individual standards gradually change and tighten with the issuance of new revisions, just as the requirements of the market and individual customers change with regard to the quality of products and provided services.”
However, work does not end with the retention of the certificates. KOMIX’s goal is to support, through the use of information technologies, communication between people while facilitating their work and making it more effective.
“We want to achieve this not only with the quality of our products and provided services but, of no less importance, also with the aid of certified areas of management within the framework of integrated management. For us, customer satisfaction is the goal as well as a means of continual improvement of our products and services,” added Jiří Feřtek.
The certified management systems that underwent the inspection audits are part of the company’s integrated management, which also includes certified information security management pursuant to the ČSN ISO/IEC 27001 standard, which underwent an inspection audit in November 2012, and occupational health and safety management and environmental management pursuant to the ČSN EN ISO 14001, which underwent recertification in July 2012.