KOMIX s.r.o. is organising the 24th annual edition of the Modern Databases – Information System Architecture conference, which will take place on 17 and 18 May 2012. The main topic of this year’s annual edition of the conference is Processing Large Volumes of Data and Transactions. The conference is mapping the current trends and available technologies in the fields of data processing and system information architecture.
“The present times are characterised by an extreme increase of the volume of unstructured data and the need to save them and extract relevant information from them. The still prevailing relational databases are encountering their limits in this field and the approaches referred to as “NoSQL” are gradually becoming their competitors. Moreover, the leading global suppliers of relational database systems have started to combine the two approaches. The conference offers the participants an opportunity to obtain general overview of this current trend of making the worlds of SQL and NoSQL meet and to get an idea about possible further development,” says Petr Kučera, the CEO of KOMIX and guarantor of the Modern Databases conference.
The main topic of the conference will be technologies for processing large volumes of data and transactions; the visitors will also be able to learn what technologies are used by Google or Facebook and to acquaint themselves with a new concept of publication of data on the Internet called Linked Data. We will also be discussing cloud technologies and the legal aspects of shared services and the security of the data contained in them.
The conference is intended for all those who want to know the current trends in information technologies and information system architecture, for architects, executives responsible for information systems, project managers and specialists. Fifty to sixty IT experts from large companies and organisations from all over the Czech Republic and Slovakia have always attended the previous annual editions of the conference.