Slovak cyber security company Eset has maintained its ranking in the Endpoint Protection Platform market based on 2015 total market share revenue worldwide.
Despite market conditions stagnating, the company’s ranking in the market has remained stable.
Eset maintained its fifth position, with market share of 5.8 percent in the consumer security software and endpoint protection platform (enterprise) sub-segment, the company informed in a press release.
It recorded the best results in its core segment: business. The company managed to grow by 2.4 percent, keeping its fourth position and increasing its share in the business market to 8.9 percent, up from 8.7 percent in 2014.
“We’re happy we be ranked no. 4 in Endpoint Protection Platforms (Enterprise) market in 2015 despite the fact that the whole business market remained flat,”
said Ignacio Sbampato, chief sales and marketing officer at Eset, as quoted in the press release.
“We’re seeing an increase in demand for Eset products from business customers of all sizes, who are looking for an easy-to-use but powerful endpoint protection platform with support for the most used operating systems.”
Next generation Eset Security Solutions, introduced in early 2015, provide customers with cloud-augmented, proactive multi-layered protection that is non-disruptive, multi-platform, easy-to-use, effective and fast.
Eset endpoint security comes with globally recognised high-quality support and customer care in local languages.