Because of increasing automation of processing and integration of computing systems the data quality is coming into focus more and more. While you have been able to catch false data and to remedy them, or at least to stop their spreading in relatively small and isolated systems, that is no more possible in larger systems.
DataFlux is a company offering a portfolio of tools for data quality management, data integration and Master Data Management section. They are, along with other cooperating SAS’s products, established on the market for a long term and they rank periodically first places in the Gartner chart. It is interesting for our market especially the support of Slovak and Czech environment that is crucial for data quality solutions and many suppliers miss it.
Softec has become a partner of the American company DataFlux (www.dataflux.com, belonging to SAS Group) and it offers its clients top solutions meeting their requirements in the area of work with data.
Cooperation with DataFlux and the status of partner give us an opportunity to solve comprehensively requirements of our clients in the area of data quality and to offer them complex tools and professional services. Softec as a partner of DataFlux has access to worldwide support and invests in trainings and knowledge of its specialists.
Softec will support and use in its solutions tools that comprehend following product groups:Data Management Studio
Data are the most valuable company assets. You have got them fully under control with Softec’s services and DataFlux’s and SAS’s tools.