KOMIX s.r.o. has successfully undergone two recertification audits and has been awarded certificates confirming the compliance of its system of environmental management pursuant to the ČSN EN ISO 14001:2005 standard and management of occupational health and safety pursuant to the ČSN OHSAS 18001:2008 standard. These certificates are valid until 2015. KOMIX thus demonstrated that it fulfils all requirements pertaining to the occupational health and safety of its employees and that it is aware of its responsibility toward the environment and therefore takes steps to protect it.
The main purpose of applying the ČSN OHSAS 18001:2008 standard for assessing occupational health and safety is to lead organisations to identify risks and to propose and implement measures that, wherever possible, eliminate or minimise the impact of such risks on employees. The ČSN EN ISO 14001:2005 standard places emphasis on the ability of companies to reduce the impact of their activities on the environment and to implement an effective management system that leads to its protection.
Bother recertified management systems are parts of the integrated management of KOMIX s.r.o. “Thanks to these integrated-management certificates, we can better demonstrate the quality of offered products and services. Our customers thus get a higher level of certainty that they will receive products and provided services in the appropriate quality, including assurance of the quality of project management and information security. At the same time, we also have confirmation that we respect modern requirements in the area of environmental protection and that we place maximum emphasis on occupational health and safety,” says Jiří Feřtek, quality manager at KOMIX s.r.o.
The main objective of KOMIX s.r.o. is to make life easier for people through information technology while improving the effectiveness of their work, and to give firms a long-term competitive advantage. This objective is supported by the company’s integrated management and its individual certified management systems.