KOMIX Successfully Confirms the Quality of Its Products and Provided Services

KOMIX Successfully Confirms the Quality of Its Products and Provided Services

At the end of 2011 KOMIX s.r.o. successfully underwent recertification audits of its system of quality management pursuant to the ČSN EN ISO 9001 standard and IT-services management pursuant to the ČSN ISO/IEC 20000-1 standard and supervisory audits for the areas of environmental management (pursuant to ČSN EN ISO 14001) and project-quality management (pursuant to ČSN ISO 10006). KOMIX thus reconfirmed its high standard in software development, sales and provision of services and its endeavour to continually improve its products and services with the aim of satisfying the customer’s needs.

“Since the very beginning of its operation, our company has worked intensively on maintaining standards both in the area of software development and in the area of IT services. We are pleased that the auditors from CQS could verify that we maintain and comply with the norms pertaining to certified management practices. At the same time, they help us to keep our productivity at a very high level and to continually improve,”

says Jiří Feřtek, quality manager at KOMIX, commenting on the result of the recertification audits. The quality-management system has been maintained and improved at KOMIX for nearly ten years. The company obtained the first certificate of the quality-management system pursuant to the ČSN EN ISO 9001 standard in 2002 and since then its integrated management has been progressively expanded with additional certified areas of management.

“Thanks to all the integrated-management certificates, we can better ensure and prove the quality of offered products and services. Our customers thus have a higher degree of certainty that they are getting products and provided services in the appropriate quality. They also know that we protect information and respect modern environmental-protection requirements, while at the same time we place maximum emphasis on occupational health and safety,” adds Jiří Feřtek.

“KOMIX’s objective is to support communication between people and to facilitate and improve the effectiveness of their work through the use of information technologies. We want to achieve this not only through the quality of our products and provided services, but also through all certified areas of management within the framework of integrated management. For us, customer satisfaction is the goal as well as the impetus for continual improvement of our products and services,” Jiří Feřtek concludes.

The ČSN EN ISO 9001 certificate was issued for the following processes:
• System integration
• Analysis, development, implementation, testing and software maintenance
• Provision of hardware and software

The ČSN ISO/IEC 20000-1 was issued for the following services:
• Technical support for applications operation
• Technical support for infrastructure
• Technical support for system software
• Testing support
• Outsourcing of applications operation

The certified-management systems which underwent supervisory and recertification audits are parts of integrated management, which also includes certified information-security management pursuant to the ČSN ISO/IEC 27001 standard and management of occupational health and safety pursuant to the ČSN OHSAS 18001 standard. Information-security management also underwent a regular supervisory audit a week after the previous audits.

Source: KOMIX
CATEGORY: Czech Republic

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