“Man seeks knowledge, but surely” – George Bernard Shaw. This quote can be implemented very easily which means the need for protection of a computer system’s default business, we like it or not, the success of a business is composed of smooth functioning of the IT park.
Every CEO must have assurance that the entity that owns coordinates logistical and technical capabilities to carry out the mission. As such, the watchwords must be proactive maintenance, “business continuity plan” and predictability.
The term “business continuity plan” describes a series of technical processes and procedures designed to ensure prevention of type disaster scenarios: fault critical business equipment (servers, network equipment) outage for a longer period or interruption of communications , application errors, mistakes or employee sabotage, attacks of malicious software (viruses, worms, Trojan horses), and other internet attacks.
IT Outsourcing hypercube meets these needs through a series of stringent maintenance services into four categories: the hardware, software, solutions and integrated support services.
Enumerate a few of the services offered:
• Proactive maintenance of software and hardware system
• management of risk situations
• design and execution of IT infrastructure
• IT Audit & IT Consulting
• Hosting & Cloud Computing solutions
• Automated backup of critical data
• IT service: Multibrand Laptop Repair motherboard level; Repair LCD Monitor & TV, UPS & Networking Equipment
The only way you can mitigate or even avoid very little impact probability is prevention.
Hypercube IT outsourcing can provide proactive maintenance system based on the most valuable concept present in all human activities daily – the power of prevention. This notion translates into making the customer of IT applications developed internally Hypercube team and designed to provide real-time alerts and information related to the proper functioning of the system, but also through a series of procedures certified by the passage of time.
Also an important role in IT management process we have audit process, which besides bringing to an optimal functional system also requires the development of strategies:
• Disaster recovery (DR) – includes post-disaster procedures
• Restart the business – comprising means for maintaining essential services when the crisis
• Business recovery – data recovery comprises means / activities in a location different from that affected
We are successful because we are able to take bold decisions and the best reward for the work in this area effervescent is not necessarily what you get, but rather what it is.