Outsourcing and Innovation

Outsourcing and Innovation

The pace of outsourcing either offshore or near shore is in the beginning of what seems to be a transition mode. By this I am referring to Innovation requirement on the vendor’s part. More and more outsourcing clients are demanding some type of innovation from vendors and it will be pro active if vendors are able to be pro-active in this endeavor.

We were recently engage with several contract renewals and the dominating factor has been mentioning of innovation from our side (the vendor). We have began to access this issue and have practically engaged our other clients who have yet to bring up the topic even though we are known for delivering quality and of exceeding our clients expectation on an ongoing basis.

The issue now is to determine what sought of innovation is required, at what level, to what extent and to which clients. There will be a need to delve more into the topic of innovation depending on the types of services that is been provided to client given that innovation should be something totally different and must be original and should contribute and be distinctive of the current initiatives both from the client and the vendor stand points.

At Rotary Outsourcing Services, we pro-actively seek new and better ways to exceed all expectations and are always in the fore front of creativity either with software development, BPO and even simple help desk. We have created a model whereby our client will always appreciate the uniqueness of our services. We are aware of the crucial elements within the outsourcing community at large with our fingers always on the pulse of the industry as a whole.

Futuristically, we believe that this is a shift in perspective that would be ongoing and should be finding its ways into more contract negotiations as they come up for renewal or with new agreements getting created. It will be advantageous to a company’s reputation if they will begin to think of ways to further enhance their services either with creativity, exceeding expectations (I.e significantly over achieving) or innovate in a way that will appease their client and further allows the client to either focus more or re-focus on their core competencies.

However, innovation should be a contributor to the overall success of the agreement and should be confined and contained to a reasonable degree as not to interfere with the services and agreement currently in place in such a way that will be detrimental to both parties, thus forfeiting the purpose.

Source: EzineArticles
CATEGORY: Useful Articles

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