Alna Business Solutions has obtained a renewal of Microsoft Gold Certified partner status, endorsed by multinational IT Corporation Microsoft. Gold ERP competency implies the highest, most consistent capability and commitment within the Microsoft Dynamics solutions field. Microsoft Gold Certified partner status signifies about an excellent quality of IT services provided and considerable experience in the [...]
Continue readingIn the light of increasing competition many companies are forced to multitask – to cut down expenses, pull in new customers, ensure smoother operation of software and hardware, analyze and forecast income. Outsourcing may facilitate most of these tasks and help focusing on the main activities. The entrepreneurs of advanced countries have already given credit [...]
Continue readingTilde presents the LetsMT! project at LT-Innovate Summit 2012 for Language Technologies Chairman of the Board of Tilde company Dr. Andrejs Vasiļjevs was one of the presenters at the panel discussion of LT-Innovate Summit for Language Technologies, focusing on iHelpers. Experts of the panel discussion shared their experience on how language technologies can assist those [...]
Continue readingAlna Business Solutions, a provider of enterprise resource planning, integration and support, constantly develops its partnerships with Lithuanian academic structures. Currently our specialists created an exceptional educational ERP system for students of Kaunas University of Technology, which imitates processes taking place in real manufacturing companies. Based on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, system has an integrated [...]
Continue readingAccording to Prime Investment annual review, Tieto is ranked among the top ICT service companies in the Baltics by IT services revenue in year 2011. The ranking covers all Tieto companies in the Baltic region – Tieto Latvia, Tieto Lithuania, Tieto Estonia and Tieto Estonia Services. The total IT services revenue of these units amounted [...]
Continue readingThe Forbis Company has completed a project on development of the Loan Showcase, providing new possibilities for the analysis and management of the bank’s loan portfolio. Loan Showcase is a set of various indicators (attributes), whose values are displayed in the end of each day. The data are stored in FORPOST*Data Warehouse. The showcase is [...]
Continue readingThe leading Estonian IT company Net Group and the Leading Nordic and Baltic IT infrastructure company Atea have entered into the agreement where Atea will aquire IT Infrastructure company of Net Group – NG Infra OÜ. The agreement will be accomplished after approval by the Competition Board of Estonia. During the last 13 years Net [...]
Continue readingEncap has today announced it has been selected by Mindware to provide its unique two-factor authentication for use in its suite of banking and financial services software. For a decade Mindware has been helping fledgling financial institutions to grow, with its MIND-xQ software platform enabling rapid growth by offering a ready-to-use core banking system for [...]
Continue readingBaltic Data Center, a leader in the management of data centers and information systems in the Baltic States, center, aligning with the world’s leading providers of these services, is the first in Lithuania to offer its customers the IBM solutions-based data storage services that are highly flexibly managed and adapted to many IT systems. The [...]
Continue readingAll three Baltc countries continue to do well as providers of outsourcing for Western companies. Among others, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd has set up a call centre in Latvia while Cytic industries, world’s second largest manunfacturer of carbon fibre, moved its financial and personnel department ot Latvia in 2010. The company now has 130 employees [...]
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