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SaM Solutions Becomes a Prize Winner at the “Best Entrepreneur of Minsk 2011” Contest

This year, SaM Solutions has once again been awarded the “Best Entrepreneur of Minsk 2011” prize in the “Companies with Foreign Investments” category. The gala ceremony was held on April 6, 2012 at the Belarusian State Academic Music Theater. A total of 15 companies became winners, each in its own nomination, and 33 more were [...]

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ScienceSoft Was Awarded in the Contest «Best Exporter of the Year 2011»

ScienceSoft was granted an encouraging Diploma of «Best Exporter of the Year 2011» contest that took place in Minsk. The competition is annually held by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; the aim is to award the enterprises that contribute significantly to the positive image of Belarusian products and services on the world market. [...]

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RoR Talent Fair: Altoros Helped Ruby-inspired Developers and Companies Meet

April 24, 2012, Altoros chose Pete’s Dueling Piano Bar to hold a Ruby on Rails Talent Fair, which united young Ruby stars with mature Ruby development market leaders, such as Engine Yard, SchoolAdmin, Curebit, Groupon, Zestcash, Mavenlink, etc. The talent Fair helped ambitious Ruby developers to reveal new perspectives, talk face-to-face with the potential employers, [...]

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Godeltech Ranked in Top 1% of Microsoft Partners

GodelTech has attained a Microsoft Gold Web Development competency. Demonstrating “best-in-class” ability and commitment to meet Microsoft Corporation customers evolving needs in building powerful customized, cutting-edge solutions to distinguish GodelTech within the top 1 per cent of Microsoft partners worldwide. To achieve the Microsoft Gold web development competency, GodelTech had to successfully complete designated exams [...]

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Gurtam Signs On as Gold Sponsor for M2M Evolution Conference

Gurtam has signed on to become a gold sponsor of the M2M Evolution Conference & Expo 2012. The M2M industry’s biggest international event is scheduled to be held from October 2 to 5 at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texs. At M2M Evolution all experts in transportation, security, health, cold chain, automotive, and safety [...]

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BSU and BSUIR Teams Win Silver and Bronze at ACM ICPC World Finals

From May 14 to May 18, the 36th ACM ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) World Finals were held in Warsaw, Poland. More than 25,000 students from 2219 universities of 85 countries participated in the qualifying rounds of the championship. Best teams of 112 universities made to the finals. According to the regulations, four gold, four [...]

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HTP Resident-Companies are the Winners of the Competition BEST Exporter 2011

According to the results of the Republican Best Exporter Competition 2011, three HTP resident-companies became the winners: Exadel, Game Stream, ScienceSoft. Exadel won in the category “IT Development”, Game Stream and Science Soft received Diplomas of Appreciation of Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in nominations “IT Development” and “Services” respectively. The awarding ceremony will [...]

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HTP Signs Memorandum of Cooperation with Sovereign Wealth Fund ”Samruk-Kazyna“

Kazakhstan delegation headed by Umirzak Shukeyev, Chairman of the Board of ”Samruk-Kazyna“, visited HTP within the frames of the visit of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the Republic of Belarus. Following the meeting between top-management of the Fund and HTP Administration, the parties signed Memorandum of Cooperation. The signing ceremony took place on [...]

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IBA New Solution: Mobile Client For SAP Equipment Maintenance

IBA developed a new solution Mobile Client for SAP Equipment Maintenance (EM). The solution provides additional capabilities for the SAP EM system implemented by IBA at a number of enterprises. Developed for Android platform, the SAP EM mobile client provides remote access to the requests for equipment maintenance and repairs. Using securely encrypted asynchronous data [...]

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IBA and High-Tech Park Conduct Training Sessions For Belarusian Universities

In April, IBA held a number of training sessions organized by the High-Tech Park, the Belarus’ Silicon Valley. The series of free workshops in various IT disciplines is intended for higher-education teaching personnel of the specialized departments of Belarusian universities. The trainings are aimed to improve the Belarusian higher education, bring it closer to the [...]

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