Hungarian software firm IDM SYS invested HUF 1.124 bln in the development of an integrated crisis prevention and management system, supported by an EU grant of HUF 674.6 bln, the company informed Hungarian news agency MTI today. The aim of the development was to create an application package providing an integrated platform for emergency organizations [...]
Continue readingBuyers Ukrainian Procurement Forum 2014 took place in Kiev. This is not for the first time that WinTRADE supports Ukrainian Procurement Forum – the largest area of Ukraine for the exchange of experience for procurement professionals and suppliers. As noted by many participants of the Forum, one of the key goals of the business today [...]
Continue readingWe are proud to announce that Oxagile was prominently featured in the October issue of CIO Review, under 20 Most Promising Education Tech Service Providers for 2014. A highly influential technology and business magazine for enterprise decision-makers, CIO Review recognized Oxagile’s exceptional ability to consistently deliver enterprise-quality distance learning solutions to acclaimed industry leaders such [...]
Continue readingRussia’s communications ministry is against the initiative of barring the government from purchasing foreign software if there are two or more local analogues, Minister Nikolai Nikiforov said during the Open Innovation investment forum. “I stand for soft legislative regulation, including laws on state procurements, but I stand against direct restrictions, when draft bills forbid Russian [...]
Continue reading2014 is already shaping up as one of the highest-valued years in terms of IT outsourcing spend. The Information Services Group, the report says, has reported a €7bn spend on outsourced technology for the third quarter of this year. IT in EMEA outsourcing contributed to a 15% increase in actual contract value for the first [...]
Continue readingLithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications has Lithuania prepared the New Generation Access Network Plan for 2014-2020, which in terms of state intervention will provide the basic new generation broadband infrastructure in areas where no adequate broadband infrastructure was available before, the ministry said in a report. “During the implementation period, we will deploy the [...]
Continue readingMoldova.ORG is the news portal with the most own content in Republic of Moldova, that uses its own photos, that reflected the most the topic of Justice, the site with the most solid value of Education and culture and the only news resource that respected the ethic and the rules of showing all the points [...]
Continue readingOn 09/30/2014 a business meeting entitled “Office 365 – New features for improving workflow” was hold. The organizers BULPROS and COMPAREX Bulgaria with the cooperation of Microsoft Bulgaria shared the trends and opportunities which Office 365 reveals to small and medium companies. BULPROS team made a live demonstration of the various features of Office 365. [...]
Continue readingThe Founder Institute offers courses to tech startup founders around the world. It unites aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned experts who are ready to share experience and best practices. It’s a global network of over 30,000 applicants and 3,346 CEO Mentors. The Institute relies on practical approach and plays the role of accelerator for startups created [...]
Continue readingSoftware Mind has become involved in the EU-subsidised WeSenseIt project. This aims to develop flood forecasting and warning software supporting hydrological communication and crisis management. Besides high-volume physical sensor data, the project also uses the power of human observation as an essential part of an early warning system. Participants take measurements using new apps currently [...]
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