Moldova.ORG is the news portal with the most own content in Republic of Moldova, that uses its own photos, that reflected the most the topic of Justice, the site with the most solid value of Education and culture and the only news resource that respected the ethic and the rules of showing all the points of view.
The statements are from the report of the Association of Electronic Press, done for Soros-Moldova.
The study shows the conclusions after monitoring eight news sites: Realitatea.md, Deschide.md, Hotnews.md, Noi.md, Politik.md, ABCnews.md, Unimedia.info and Moldova.ORG.
The study shows also that Moldova.ORG is the only site in Moldova that offers news in Romanian, English and Russian.
Moldova.ORG is the first news site in Republic of Moldova. It was founded initially as the official site of Moldovan Embassy in USA.