BASSCOM participates at the Commission for assessment of private innovative software – part of the Ministry of transport, information technology and communications. The Commission has to consider the documents submitted by the firms which apply for free financing under the procedure BG161PO003-1.1.03 “Development of startup innovative companies through the support for innovative products, processes and [...]
Continue readingThe International Association of Outsourcing Professionals is calling on outsourcing service providers and advisors to apply for its annual Global Outsourcing 100® and join the ranks of past leaders like Accenture and Alsbridge.
Continue readingSofica Group, the largest Bulgarian outsourcing company reported a remarkable 57% growth in sales revenue for the first half of the year (ending June) compared to the same period of 2010.
Continue readingThe Philippines will host the Third Annual International Outsourcing Summit (IOS) with sessions led by over 70 expert speakers and panelists speaking to over 300 international delegates.
Continue readingCROC recently upgraded data storage and backup systems at Razgulay Group, the largest agricultural holding in Russia. The project was implemented within three months.
Continue readingIBA received a reference on successful implementation of the project for the transport and logistics center Beltamozhservice.
Continue readingWide practical experience of software and hardware development for fiber optic test&measurement industry allowed OptixSoft company to take a decision of development first iPhone application.
Continue readingThe IT company from Wrocław, listed on the NewConnect stock market, can take pride in maintaining high income increase dynamics yet again.
Continue readingThe process of outsourcing has seen a rise in popularity. Choosing to outsource IT services could help businesses save money, according to an expert.
Continue readingMiratech management actively facilitates the promotion of this legislative initiative. Nikolay Royenko is one of the most enthusiastic contributors to this process.
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