The ambition of Bosnia and Herzegovina is integration into the European Union. Copenhagen accession criteria include also a pool of economic requirements placed by the European Union on candidate countries. One of the most important ones is to create a favourable business environment. In this respect it is necessary to implement the directive on services, including the one-stop shop institute, which has a significant effect for Bosnia and Herzegovina also as regards its promotion as a foreign investment destination.
ANASOFT, a company with substantial expertise in implementation of one-stop-shops (OSS) and eGovernment in Slovakia, is responsible for technical and legislative parts of preparations for implementation of this system in public administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The project is intended to introduce technical and legislative issues of OSS for national authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to demonstrate the solution using a portal, such as the Central Public Administration Portal (CPAP). This activity is a part of a broader project of the Slovak Atlantic Commission, to assist a target country to strengthen its democratic institutions and EU integration.
The object of the whole delivery is a functioning portal prototype ready to perform two sets of functions: The first set includes receipt of electronic submissions from users using an electronic signature, routing them to the institution concerned and a delivering a reply back to the user. The second set includes transfer of structured information among different institutions of public administration.
The design and specification of the solution is inspired primarily by the ANASOFT’s experience with the design and operation of one-stop-shops and the Slovak Central Public Administration Portal, as well as by “the best practices” from similar solutions in other EU countries.