Motorola Solutions, one of the largest providers of enterprise handheld devices, just tested Resco Mobile CRM in its compatibility test. Motorola concluded that Resco Mobile CRM is 100% compatible with its ET1 device.
Motorola began an initiative together with Resco to test its Mobile CRM on Motorola’s brand new tablet called ET1. It is a modern enterprise tablet with multiple features such as 8MPX camera, RFID and barcode scanner. It runs on Android OS which is the most popular platform for smartphones and tablets currently. Android is a new platform for Motorola Solutions since all of Motorola enterprise devices run on Windows Mobile.
Motorola tested all of the features of Resco Mobile CRM. The user interface, photo capturing, connectivity and synchronization to Dynamics CRM, dashboards, charts, signatures, attachment support and Multilanguage support. Motorola concluded that Resco Mobile CRM is 100% compatible with ET1.
Tablets are becoming more important in the business world. iPads and Android tablets are by far most popular tablets in the market nowadays. The only mobile solution that supports the Microsoft Dynamics CRM in Android tablets is Resco Mobile CRM. The full support for Motorola ET1 device puts Resco ahead of all of its competitors.