In 2011 revenue of Baltic Data Center, a leader in data centre and information systems management in the Baltic States, was 54.9 million litas, an increased by more than 10 per cent over the revenue of LTL 49,8 million in 2010. The growth of the company belonging to TEO LT, AB Group was resulted by expanding company’s activity in foreign markets and offering customers a wider range of new services.
For a long time having provided traditional IT infrastructure and management services, Baltic Data Center started developing IT management consultancy services according to ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) principles. The best ITIL practices offered to customers last year have been being applied for Baltic Data Center’s processes for ten years.
According to Saulius Markūnas, Director of Baltic Data Center, customers of the company that has successfully entered the Northern European market have appreciated the quality of services, which in its turn allowed increasing the scope of service providing.
Last year Baltic Data Center acquired a new customer – Sergel, one of the largest credit management and debt collection companies in Lithuania. Furthermore, the company started providing data centers, IT infrastructure management and data transfer services to the retail trading chain Rimi. Currently Baltic Data Center services are used by leading financial services, retail trading, production, etc. companies in the Baltic States.
In 2011 the company realized several socially significant projects: cloud computing services were provided for the electronic census of Lithuanian population, and virtual data hosting solutions were used for sessions of OSCE Ministerial Council.
“In the nearest time Lithuanian public sector will have a positive effect on growth of Lithuanian IT market. We forecast that the best IT service management practices according to ITIL will find a wider use in the public sector – a legal basis is being created for this purpose. Implemented IT services management processes improve the performance of public sector companies and private enterprises in many countries”, – S.Markūnas said.
At the end of 2011 Baltic Data Center group, to which belongs one of the largest web hosting companies in Lithuania Hostex, employed 229 technology specialists.