Ontotext USA is pleased to announce it has reached an agreement with SolvIT LLC, based in Leesburg, VA, to provide support services for its …
The BBC Sports and Olympics 2012 web sites of UK media group BBC, which are …
Open Culture 2012 is a 2-day UK & International conference organized by the UK Collections Trust. It will…
This year’s Gate Summer School will feature a lecture by Ontotext’s Solutions Architect Dr. Barry Norton on Semantic…
Ontotext AD and fluid Operations (fluidOps) have teamed up to offer enterprises practical solutions for RDF data mining, access, publishing and search. OWLIM provides a robust, scalable back-end that companies…
Ontotext launched bulgariana.eu, an agregator to publish Bulgarian cultural heritage in the European virtual library…
fluid Operations™ and Ontotext are happy to announce their new mutual resell agreement. fluid Operations…
Ontotext will have three presentations at SemTech UK this year. Two of them are joint presentations with customers and the third one provides an overview of a number of successful…