Tieto has been commended by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which represents 551 institutional investors, for its approach to the disclosure of climate change information. For the first time Tieto is featured in CDP’s Nordic ‘Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index’. This index, a key component of CDP’s annual Nordic 260 report, highlights the constituent companies with the Nordic OMX Index Series which have displayed the most professional approach to governance regarding climate change information disclosure practices.
“We are very proud to be included in the CDP Leadership Index category. This shows that we are one of the top performers in the Nordic region in climate change work related to business operations,”
says Carl-Harald Andersson, Senior Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, in Tieto.
“Tieto’s sustainability work is based on sound risk management as well as careful monitoring and reporting of material sustainability issues, such as greenhouse gas emissions. We believe that long-term profitability and a strong brand require a business model that takes into account all aspects of corporate responsibility. Our work has continued steadily over the years, resulting in several awards. Earlier this year our new data centre in Finland was acknowledged by US based Uptime Institute for being one of the most environmentally friendly in the world. We have also received top Green IT audit scores from TCO Development in Sweden,”
Carl-Harald Andersson continues.
In the CDP Leadership Index companies are scored on their climate change disclosure and high scores indicate good internal data management and understanding of climate change related issues affecting the company. The index provides an evaluation tool for institutional investors and other stakeholders. In 2011, it comprises 26 companies from the Nordic 260 Index based on analysis of the responses to CDP’s questionnaire which focused on greenhouse gas emissions, emissions reduction targets and risks and opportunities associated with climate change.
“Companies that make the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index have demonstrated good internal data management practices for understanding greenhouse gas emissions. They have shown a strong awareness of the business issues related to climate change including climate-related risks and opportunities. Those organisations that give clear consideration to measuring and reporting on climate change issues will be best placed to capitalise on the opportunities from managing them,”
says Paul Simpson, chief executive officer of the Carbon Disclosure Project.
The Nordic 260 report including names of companies featured in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index can be found at www.cdproject.net.
“Company responses are an abundant source of innovative examples. The R&D effort is paying off – Nordic companies are showing that superior products can be made using less energy and fewer of our scarce natural resources,”
says Amanda Haworth Wiklund, Director of CDP Nordic.