Before you help yourself for a technology company, to start, some information is collected. You need some information so that it also suitable for any company. These questions are usually a good start:
Brands and models of systems
You are under warranty?
Operating system (XP, Vista, Windows 7)
How many servers?
Brands and models of systems
You are under warranty?
OS(Windows 2000, 2003, 2008)
List of applications that are important to your company
Financial Software
Productivity software (like Office 2003, 2007, 2010)
ERP Software
They have an internal e-mail server?
What type of Internet connection do you have?
With this information you have enough information on the introduction of IT to business needs possible. This is an important step towards ato report. You must know that they support your IT infrastructure.
Once you have found an IT company, as well as invite them to visit the facility and ask questions. They are a good feel for the company, as they get to ask many questions. Unless you are very computer savvy, you should know all the answers (after all, this is their job and they should for the information sought, not necessarily common knowledge).
Here are some good questions to qualify a company:
How many there are technical customer service?
There must be more than one. Less than two problems with holiday magic and other personnel matters. No more than three is really irrelevant. Some MSPs can manage more than 300 users per engineer.
There is one person to manage your account?
It is important to have someone outside of the technical problems to increase, as one account managers.
What are the hours of coverage?
Be honestYou really need 24×7? Probably not. Normally, a 8-5 program works well.
How do you go (the customer) to see progress on outstanding issues?
How much support (onsite and remote) is obtained for the price?
A decent companies have solved a method for accessing your system remotely to problems. In general, the problem should be able to remotely can be solved (if not immediately, preferably within 1 to 2 hours).
How often do you receive reports?
This is notOnly the account. You have to tell you what happens at regular intervals. It should be understood, as do the systems and how well they do maintaining your account.
How do they monitor your systems?
Any reputable supplier should be a monitoring system that monitors the system frequently for performance issues and alert them if there are any.
What is included in the price and what is excluded?
This should be clearly defined. If excluded, they wantto bill you separately. Make sure there is nothing in there who are abused (as a patch) systems can be. Preferably should be excluded only very little (if any).
A few things to check:
A contract.
It sounds simple, but not many providers have. And: “What really helps separate the pros from the Poser This should include a non-disclosure agreement (NDA)..
You should have clearly defined procedures foralmost everything. There should be no problem for the opening process, close, and everything else. That makes for a supplier who is not in order to get good service every time repeatable. Usually this is obvious when you talk to them.
One company.
If a business. No e-mail account, Gmail or Hotmail. You should have a website, letterhead and business cards that are not free.
This is by no means a complete guidethat you take on your way!