On the occasion of VERSANT OODB workshop and the announcement of proposed Thesis Themes, on the 11th of January 2012, we had the pleasure to welcome brainiacs from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University. In spite of the winter and upcoming exam session, company fans, friends and their teachers were present at the meeting. Great audience: about a hundred persons faced us with interesting questions and good ideas.
The meeting and the enthusiasm that one could feel in the room encourages us to think that the software engineers and IT&C professionals’ community form Cluj-Napoca is going clearly to expand. We see the Next Generation rising under our eyes and we want to be there and help them grow to their full potential. The role that prestigious local Universities and championing local IT&C businesses have in the decision of young people to choose this industry field is tremendous.
We were glad to learn that the exposure that European Student Exchange and Research programs give to this new generation shapes their thinking in a manner that we were not used to before. In such context, Codespring will continue its involvement in cooperation research programs with Babes-Bolyai University and The Technical University from Cluj-Napoca. On top of that, our Internship and Mentoring programs for young professional are open for those who want to learn the basics and insights of full software life cycle development.
To highlight the success of our 1st meeting with the Next Generation in 2012, we stress out the fact that the proposed Themes for the Final Thesis were of great interest and will be awarded in the next days; our senior colleagues presentations were paid a lot of attention and rewarded with many questions; all in all we spent about 4 hours exchanging information’s and answering everybody’s questions.
Remember that Codespring offers students and junior professionals an environment for learning, for professional development and for interacting with real role models. Check out Your Career with us and visualize what you want to become.