As we have announced earlier, the Summer Internship 2012 edition has started on the 11th of July and will finish on the 31st of August 2012. This year, 11 students from the “Babes – Bolyai” University and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca have been selected to attend the program. The chance of working on real projects has definitely challenged the aspiring ITC professionals. Codespring team has once again showed our involvement in revealing the potential of the new generation.
“The lucky 11” have had to pass a set of technical tests, but it did worth it (!) – so they said. The chosen projects for this summer were very interesting: Maven/iSpeedCam plugin development, GWT component development on Vaadin platform, AugRel application development on Android, development of the error monitoring system for iSpeedCam, web and iOS application testing for iSpeedCam. Not only did they experience the live project evolution but they also got a taste of how a normal software engineers’ week looks like.
We are pleased to find out that “the lucky 11” enjoy their work at Codespring and they got this sense of “being like home”. In order to make the internship journey more memorable, the trainees were happy to interact with our team in the leisure areas, playing Ping-Pong or foosball.
All in all, the 11 selected trainees had also the opportunity to test their skills for being a potential Codespring software engineer. It’s time to make it an experience of high value and personal development. The tools and the environment are here.
We thank them all for the participation and we will be waiting their attendance on other Codespring projects too.