Pragmatic Coders and GeeCON 2016

Pragmatic Coders and GeeCON 2016

Pragmatic Coders is a proud media parter of GeeCON Krakow 2016. GeeCON Conference is all about the community, it’s organised by and for the community.

As a partner, we provide volunteers (in number of one) and speaker (Wiktor Żołnowski will talk about Theory of Constraints on the first day of the Event).

GeeCON is the biggest and the oldest polish IT conference. Organized by Polish Java User Group and Poznań Java User Group since 2009. Is gathering around 2000 participants and 80 speakers from all over the world.

Events in Krakow, Poznan, Sopot, Prague are a great occasion to learn something new and meet inspiring people: Bruce Eckel, Jonas Bonér, Arun Gupta had given presentations at GeeCON. What’s more, GeeCON is thinking about youngest too – GeeCON 4 Kids is a workshop which teaches kids, that computers and programming are a lot of fun.

As every year, GeeCON 2016 will become a forum for sharing experiences about modern software development methodologies, enterprise architectures, software craftsmanship, design patterns, distributed computing and more!


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