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An Interview With Eugene Kaspersky

Eugene Kaspersky has had an interesting, varied life, with more than his share of adventures, successes and challenges. He’s seen and done a lot, but when he learned that he was going to receive an honorary degree from Plymouth University in England he was taken aback. Excited, yes, and humbled, sure. But also somewhat surprised [...]

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Russian Software Development and Government Position: An Interview with Valentin Makarov

For all the press surrounding Skolkovo and the Russian government’s plans to make the country more of an innovation-based economy that is less reliant on natural resources, it is worth looking beyond the headlines to see what the Russian software industry itself makes of the government’s position. To see just how local players shape the [...]

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What Are The Main Benefits to IT Support?

In this modern age of technology, it is near impossible to run a business without a computer network. Even the small business owner who works out of the home needs to be connected to the internet, email, customers and other businesses. Whether a business owner has one computer at home or is part of a [...]

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Achieving IT Outsourcing Success: Tips for a Fast and Fair Deal

Introduction The global economic recovery that was hoped for in 2012 continues to prove elusive, and current indicators suggest that things may get worse before they get better. This outlook undoubtedly affected the outsourcing industry in 2011 and continues to do so in 2012. Recent research on global outsourcing activity(1) shows that transaction volumes declined [...]

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Only Fraction of Public Sector Offshore IT. But for How Long?

Less than a third of public sector organisations receive IT services from offshore or nearshore location despite 90% outsourcing IT. This is one of the findings of KPMG’s in depth research of UK outsourcing contracts. The annual survey looks at UK contracts worth a total of £14bn from 230 organisations. It has some interesting findings [...]

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App Dev Outsourcing Up, Satisfaction Down

Contrary to what some people have been saying, outsourcing IT is on an upward trend. Indicators leading to the forecast for long-term growth in IT outsourcing can be seen in the latest report from Computer Economics. Based on outsourcing as a percentage of IT budget, the gradual climb has moved from 6.1 percent in 2009 [...]

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Outsourcing Tasks Сan Help an Entrepreneur

Business ownership can be much different after a few months or years in business, especially since most small businesses start small and grow organically. For example: you bake really good cookies, get many compliments, and hear things like, “I would buy these if they were in a store.” So you begin to explore the idea, [...]

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5 Steps to Kicking Your IT Outsourcing Addiction

You hear it time and again, outsourcing strategies that backfire or hinder a company’s ability to remain competitive in a fast-paced marketplace. Needs change, and yesterday’s strategic panacea becomes tomorrow’s roadblock to innovation. Count General Motors among the companies reassessing — and in the automaker’s case, actually reversing — its sourcing strategy. That’s right, one [...]

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The Real Value of Outsourcing

For the past several years, outsourcing has become the trend among businesses. Growing exponentially nowadays, an increasing number of companies have recognized the cost advantages that the outsourcing services are offering. Outsourcing has become a very valuable business management tool for businesses of all sizes, not only as a means of streamlining operations, but also [...]

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Outsourcing of IT on the Rise

The outsourcing of IT will continue to grow for the foreseeable future, according to a survey from Bluewolf. Currently, as much as one-quarter of annual IT budgets is allocated to outsourcing, and spending is projected to grow. What’s telling is that cost-cutting is no longer the sole driver of this trend. Instead, organizations perceive outsourcing [...]

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