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Benefits of Near Shore Outsourcing

Near shore Outsourcing is the way of business operation performed by the nearby or neighboring countries to provide solutions for their clients. This had a great advantage in reduced cost and reduced risk compared to the projects given to the companies in distant foreign countries (offshore outsourcing). The developed countries prefer to provide their outsourcing [...]

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Outsourcing Not Just for Big Business

Outsourcing has become a controversial issue and a hot topic among presidential candidates this year. But have you stopped to think how your business can benefit from the efficiency, functionality and cost savings of outsourcing? If you have, you might find that, like many others, you are already outsourcing-and enjoying its benefits. What is Outsourcing? [...]

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Software Outsourcing

Most established businesses need software services and there is no dearth of software outsourcing firms today. An intelligent team of software experts is involved in testing, development solutions and validation of tests. For various reasons, companies are seeking the help of software outsourcing services for plan and execution of vital projects. What are the advantages [...]

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Consider Five Rules When Outsourcing IT, Says Expert

Using a cloud platform to outsource IT operations is a big consideration for many businesses at present. Cost reductions and a higher degree of flexibility are the primary drivers behind companies taking the plunge with the new technology. However, there are growing number of IT departments who are concerned over its security and service levels. [...]

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Multi-Sourcing – the Next Evolution in Outsourcing

Outsourcing has become an accepted model in the modern business, as increasing numbers of organisations begin to realise the advantage of procuring the skills of outside providers, particularly within the Information Communication Technology (ICT) space. Some of the tangible benefits of outsourcing include lowered costs, easier access to scarce skilled resources and improved turnaround times [...]

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Outsourcing Is a Money Saving Measure

Outsourcing IT operations is one of the most successful ways a business can cut costs, figures from the latest Norton Rose survey show. The report, entitled Outsourcing in a Brave New World, found that 87 per cent of consumer companies and 86 per cent of suppliers believe outsourcing is an effective way of driving down [...]

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Outsourcing: The Pros and Cons

If you own a computer or piece of electronic equipment, chances are you may one day have to make a call to a tech support or customer service department. And if the product in need of repair happens to be manufactured by one of the many companies that bases its IT or customer service support [...]

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How to Reevaluate Outsourcing Contracts Best Practices

Contract terms for outsourcing continue to change with the times, at least at the margins. The body of contractual best practices changes little in regard to specific terms available for governing outsourcing transactions, but their relative importance can shift in response to both ongoing and emerging risks. In 2009, for example, concerns over Satyam’s sudden [...]

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IT Outsourcing – Is It Making a Comeback? And Is That a Good Thing?

Spend Matters welcomes another guest post from NPI, a spend management consultancy, focused on delivering savings in the areas of IT, telecom, transportation and energy. IT outsourcing is a fickle thing. A decade ago, enterprises couldn’t outsource and offshore their IT operations fast enough. Then, due to myriad of factors including the economy and support [...]

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Are All Outsourcing Relationships Doomed to Repeat the Same Old Problems?

1. Some of the “fixes” tend to make things worse The first response to underperformance is usually the customer insisting that the provider do better — penalties are levied, threats are penned, and more meetings and reports are demanded. Providers then apologize or defend (often a little bit of both), and swap in a new [...]

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