AIDOSS is known everywhere as a provider of Test Services. A lot of our longtime customers appreciate the enormous expert knowledge of AIDSOSS specialists in the areas of development of data storage solutions with Tape Libraries, Backup, Archiving, Hierarchical Storage Management, etc.
Continue readingMiratech pays a meticulous attention to deep knowledge and effective usage of Quality Management System (QMS).
Continue readingCompany QATestlab trainings on Software testing to be held on 29th of October and 5th of November in Cherkassy State Technological University.
Continue readingLast week of October was full of activity for Miratech. The Company was supporting CMMI week, which ESI (European Software Institute) Center Eastern Europe organized in Ukraine.
Continue readingLuxoft Wins Telecommunications Outsourcing Award at the Fifth Annual NOA Awards Ceremony.
Continue readingThe main goal of the conference is to present practical knowledge and experience in IT infrastructure management in modern top companies on the basis of solutions by leading manufacturers, developers, and suppliers of modern telecommunications equipment, software, and IT services.
Continue readingLuxoft today announced that they have recently granted scholarships to students at two leading universities in Ho Chi Minh City.
Continue readingGlobalLogic, Inc., the leader in global product development services, entered the Israeli market and expanded its footprint in Eastern Europe with the acquisition of InterObject, a software product engineering company headquartered in Israel with development centers in Lvov and Kiev, Ukraine.
Continue readingProgram-Ace is glad to announce the victory of its employee in national IT-contest «Programmania-2008».
Continue readingMore and more IT projects involve teams from around the world, and project leaders are asked to work 24/7. It’s time to stop the madness.
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