Miratech, a leading Ukrainian IT outsourcing provider, has been delivering services to clients and partners in Western Europe for over two decades. Partnership with clients in the Kingdom of Norway is one of the company’s strategic directions in this regard. Since 2008 Miratech has been providing services for a number of projects of its Norwegian clients. Over this period of time Miratech employees have spent tens of thousands of hours in business trips to customers and partners in Norway. Along with economic partnership, Miratech always supports joint Ukrainian-Norwegian cultural and scientific events that take place in Ukraine.
Therefore, the Agreements between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of Norway on simplifying the visa issuance, which were signed February 13, 2008 in Oslo and will come into force since September 1, 2011, will facilitate the further development of relations not only between Ukraine and Norway in general, but also between Miratech and its Norwegian clients in particular.