Innoware successfully completed the implementation of project management system based on on Microsoft Project Server 2010 in UkrFinance – one of the market leaders of professional debt collection in Ukraine.
Before the project started UkrFinance had been already using Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. As company was striving for more effective realization of its projects it was decided to involve external experts that would help to set up the system in accordance with functional requirements and bring it into operation. The main objective of this project was to obtain an effective integrated tool for the management of business processes, important for the company, such as:
Innoware was chosen as a partner for this project, and the following software products was used as the base of new project management system: Microsoft Project Server 2010 for project management and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 for registration and management of ideas on the initiation phase of project. The project lasted about 1.5 months with saving the planned budget.
As a result of the project, the management system now covers the whole project life cycle – initiation, planning, execution, control and completion. Innoware specialists additionally implemented a number of modifications related with the customer specifics. In particular, there was configured a tool that allowed to automatically assign the right calendar for a given task, depending on the type of work. Also the end-to-end calculation of priority for tasks in the portfolio projects has been developed. In addition, a customized integration between Project Server 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 was set up, enabling initiators of ideas to get information on the status of the proposals that were approved and realized within a specific project – the project name, start, end, percent of completion, etc.
Implementation of the system allowed UkrFinance to significantly improve the quality of managing the numerous projects in the company due to effective tools and methodology. It also allowed to significantly reduce time spent on routine tasks.
«We obtained positive work experience with one of the debt collection industry leaders, and we are happy with the fact that the project management tools become in demand in various sectors, including financial. This directly shows the development of corporate governance culture in Ukraine. Also I would like to note the efficient and coordinated work of the customer team, as well as timely and proper execution of the project tasks assigned to UkrFinance”, – comments Dmytro Popinako, innoware managing partner.