Tech news aggregator within leading technology categories from Cybersecurity to Mobility to Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, Data Integration and Cloud Platforms, Solutions Review features Intersog amongst the Top 5 Mobile Application Developers of 2016.
Solutions Review assembled mobile app developers they believe to be exceptional and took a look at what makes them stand out among the rest of the industry.
According to Solutions Review editor Nathaniel Lewis, Intersog was included in the list because of the following characteristic:
“Intersog’s approach to app development revolves around their relationship to the client. They take in the client’s initial plan for the design of the application, while also offering their own insider perspective as well.
Their experience in the industry gives historical input as to what is most likely to make an enterprise the most sustainable, downloadable, and profitable. Intersog assists organizations with identifying the best platform for their application, functionality options, hosting requirements, app evolution, optimized retention, desired analytics and more.
Through their seven step engagement program, Intersog stands by you from the introduction of your initial design, all the way through completion, and into release.”
Intersog also congratulates other mobile app development companies featured in the Top 5 List!