Delivering at PEAK performance – Sigma Ukraine presents its practically proven approach to serve as technology partner for dynamic businesses, taking on the challenge creating innovations in a smarter new world.
PEAK stands for People, Engagement, Attitude and Knowledge. With a correct match of the specific needs of startups, these key elements of our service model really become ingredients of success. Here Sigma Ukraine differs from typical software outsourcing contractors, being capable of turning fresh ideas into the outstanding products.
“We offer an effective blend of services working with demanding large and mid-size companies with our experienced employees as well as we deliver successful solutions for small entities and startups” —
says Vladimir Beck, Sigma Ukraine CEO.
“The service ideology we offer is proven by many successfully accomplished long-term assignments with companies, all the way from the idea and initial funding to mature product and multi-million exit option” —
says Valery Krasovsky, Sigma Ukraine COO.
“Hereby we become an important business partner, not just a service provider – that makes the difference.”