Rozdoum as an IT partner of AGILEEE 2011 created AGILEEE applications for both iOS and Android platforms. AGILEEE iPhone/Android app was an irreplaceable mobile guide to AGILEEE 2011.
AGILEEE is the most grandiose agile related event in Eastern Europe since 2009. The conference brings together the practitioner of agile development from all over the world to discuss the newest trends, to share daring ideas and to meet old friends and new people. Our application helps you to get more from AGILEEE 2011.
This year you have the following sections avaliable in the app: schedule with the exact time-table of reports and events, the information about the speakers in the self-titled section and their reports in talks list section, your personal agenda where you can save and check the reports you`re interested in, map of the venue and everything else you need to know about the event.
Indeed, 277 participants (70% audience coverage) had tested the application on their mobile devices and tablet Pcs. They appreciated the opportunity to create an agenda in the app and used this feature at the conference.