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When S&T’s CEE coverage matches client’s CEE growth strategy – it’s a clear win-win situation.

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Printsoft Hungary organized a business day titled ‘Efficient Customer Document Output Management for Financial Service Providers’ on 14th of October 2010.

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It was a big step for the government in Tirana when they decided on the preparation for an e-government infrastructure establishment, which promotes the efficiency and transparency of public administration.

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Barcelona, and CEBIT in Hannover ITware, the Hungarian expert for IT and telecommunication solutions presents its products – beside others MOTIware the latest mobile TV application as well – for the international market at GITEX in Dubai.

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The first virtual HR-EXPO was organized between the 27th and 28th of September 2010.

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Although current technology provides numerous options to prevent and to indentify economic frauds, corporations should also be aware that data collected may be considered legal proof only if the applicable legislation and the regulation regarding employees’ rights are strictly followed.

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Synergon System Integrator Ltd. introduced a community transport solution of ticket and travel card vending machines related to the public bus service in Sopron.

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On the first day afternoon of the 5th Annaual SME Banking conference organised by Jacob Fleming (20th-21st October 2010, Hotel Hilton Vienna) Tamas Erni, partner of Loxon will hold a presentation on Optimising business processes through effective IT support.

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Nokia Siemens Network Solutions, one of the world’s leading ICT network equipment makers, has picked Hungary as one of its key R&D hubs in the railway telecommunications (GSM-R) sector.

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Virtual exhibitions have appeared in Hungary offering an alternative solution for the traditional exhibitions.

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