The outsourcing industry by itself was worth $85 billion in 2018. To continue growing, however, it needs to evolve. And so, five areas are outsourced: Data Security Amazon’s automated assistant Alexa told over 100 million jokes in 2018. With consumers continuing to invest in “smart” products at record numbers, data security will continue to be [...]
Continue readingThe demand for contract IT talent will increase as more businesses take advantage of outsourcing instead of hiring specialists in-house. Here’s few of the future IT outsourcing trends that you can watch in 2019. As the gig economy grows, more and more businesses will look to hire independent contractors for their IT and software development [...]
Continue readingIn 2017, outsourcing contributed 4.8% to Bulgaria’s GDP, or EUR 2.1 bln. This is identified by the data in the Annual Report of the Bulgarian Outsourcing Association (BOA) for the development of the outsourcing industry in the country. The industry is growing substantially faster than the national economy in 2017. Last year, outsourcing contributed 4.8% [...]
Continue readingRepresentatives of the Czech offices of Dell EMC presented journalists the company’s renovated product demo space and showroom where visitors can try out products and solutions. The space is called the Dell EMC Customer Experience Centre. This new display, training and experience center allows Dell EMC experts and technical consultants to present new products and [...]
Continue readingAbout 1.5 percent of the active population in Romania is working in outsourcing, according to Business Service Leaders in Romania (ABSL) data, a total of 125,000 employees that generates an income of EUR 4 billion. The data is comprised in the annual report that ABSL published at the annual conference “Romania at the Forefront of [...]
Continue readingExadel (www.exadel.com), a provider of digital software engineering services, announced new solutions offering mobile blockchain applications for a variety of industries. In addition to this new service, Appery.io, the mobile division of Exadel, now provides an out-of-the box integration with the blockchain Ethereum platform. Customers can now launch an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and create [...]
Continue readingAccording to a study by RSK Business Solutions, regulatory updates, immigration law and government policies have had a large impact on the way businesses outsource. Moreover, outsourcing contracts hit an all-time high last year at US$88.9billion. The study found that the US represents the largest market involved, with the UK coming second over having 80% of all outsourcing contracts [...]
Continue readingOutsourcing IT security to a Managed Service Provider can help free up resources at your organisation. The pace of change in information technology is now impacting on businesses of all sizes. IT consulting professionals are being brought in to help with all manner of issues from helping to set up hybrid in-house and cloud architectures [...]
Continue readingHiring a managed service provider to handle security is often a wise choice for SMBs. As the cyberthreat landscape becomes more complex, many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are weighing their options for protecting their data. And with good reason. Networks are becoming more complex and bad actors are growing more sophisticated. The growth of [...]
Continue readingGlobal demand for technology and business services continues to accelerate, with as-a-service contract value climbing to another record high in the second quarter and traditional sourcing value reaching $7 billion for only the fifth time in history, according to the latest state-of-the-industry report from Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research [...]
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