Sigma Software together with Sigma Technology Hungary launched the series of Innovation Club events in Budapest within the framework of Swedish-Hungarian Days 2015. On June 10th, the first Innovation Club dedicated to Usability took place, welcoming the Ambassador of Sweden to Hungary Niclas Trouvé and representatives of business.
Innovation Club is a series of events, where professionals with similar interests and focus meet up to socialize, discuss and share trends and novelties on current hot topics. The first workshop was organized by the Swedish trade and Invest Council Business Sweden, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and was supported by Sigma, Ericsson and Electrolux.
In today’s fast changing markets, companies need to respond quickly by adapting their technologies, communication, and processes to new demands, services and consumer types. Nowadays, real-life performance and overall user experience of a product or system are not just important, but are key factors for success and even for survival of the products.
On June 10th, over 50 professionals, executives, experts and students have joined the Innovation Club in Sigma Technology Hungary’s office and contributed to lively group discussions on usability, interaction design, lean processes & project management.
The agenda included a keynote speech from Sigma Software expert, Elena Osichkina, Head of Design Department. She was talking about the definition of good design.
“Business goals, technological capabilities, fancy features — everything is quite important when creating a new product or solution, but in the end the users are those who matter. The user is the only person who really knows what is convenient and user-friendly. And we are here to find it out. UX expert is the user’s best friend, whose first goal is to make sure the product meets the main requirements defining user-centered design.”
Ms. Osichkina’s speech was followed by the panel discussion, where usability experts shared their ideas about the topic, bringing examples from their respective industries. The session ended with an interactive game. Participants in teams bent to the task of designing the dashboard of a car. The jury evaluated the solutions and selected the winner.
After the break, Vladimir Beck, Board Member at Sigma Software, made a surprise presentation on how to combine the Usability with Mechanical engineering and showcased custom motorbike, designed by his team and himself with an idea to unite art, technology, excellent usability and drivability. The motorbike has won prestigious prizes at design competitions both in Europe and around the world.
About Sigma
Sigma is a long-term business partner wherever information technology makes a difference. We are a global player with a Nordic base. We deliver the smartest solutions to support our customers’ business aims. Sigma is owned by Danir AB and has about 2200 employees in eleven countries. Sigma operates in Ukraine since 2006 and the local team currently consists of 460 IT professionals.