We are glad to announce that Sigma Software establishes a scholarship award for this year`s applicants of Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv).
The company pays full student tuition fee for internal form of training during four years. Furthermore, the student will receive the opportunity to participate in Sigma Software University classes, trainings, and workshops from the leading company`s experts for free.
The scholarship is intended for talented and motivated young people, who cannot pay for their education in the University.
The winner of our scholarship award will be defined in tight cooperation with UCU representatives.
To obtain the scholarship the one should be a constant participant of regional and pan-Ukrainian competitions in mathematics and computer science, have the highest scores according to external testing, possess such soft skills as the desire for continuous learning and developing, commitment and dedication.
Along with the scholarship the company will provide the student with the possibility to take part in trainings, workshops, and thematic events organized within the frameworks of Sigma Software University activities, and receive mentorship support from Sigma Software experts.
“Sigma Software is proud to be a part of such activities. Ukraine is known for its talented people, though there are a lot of truly gifted boys and girls, who cannot afford studying in a good university. It is quite challenging to help everyone, of course, and it is a task for the whole society. Yet the start has been marked, and this is wonderful,”
says Mykhaylo Antonovych, Head of Sigma Software University.
“The company pays for the entire period of study for the bachelor’s degree. Moreover, during all this time we offer the program winner the exceptional chance to learn from company`s top experts toll-free”.
“With this scholarship program we begin a new chapter in Sigma Software University work. We give the unique opportunity not only to study in one of the leading Ukrainian universities, recognized as the most innovative in regard of educational programs creation.
We also offer to benefit from the huge opportunities that our company and University provide including support from Sigma Software technical experts, a chance to learn from IT specialists with years of experience in the field, possibility to combine studying with the educational programs within the company`s corporate university,”
says Valery Krasovsky, CEO at Sigma Software.
The name of the program winner will be announced later. Stay tuned.
About Sigma
Sigma is a long-term business partner wherever information technology makes a difference. We are a global player with a Nordic base. We deliver the smartest solutions to support our customers’ business aims.
Sigma is owned by Danir AB and has about 2200 employees in eleven countries. Sigma operates in Ukraine since 2006 and the local team currently consists of over 650 IT professionals.